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A unique woodland setting where every child can discover and become who they were designed to be.

FAITH & Christian Ethos

RBF is a Christian organisation and all of our activities and settings a re open to children and families of all faiths and those with no particular beliefs. There are faith-based elements in most of the preschool sessions that we deliver. For example, there will usually be a 'Bible Story of the Week' which children can choose to engage with, in our reading corner there may be books containing Bible stories and we will say grace before our lunch each day. If the 'Bible Story of the week' were the Good Shepherd them this theme of sheep and shepherds would be built into different activities throughout the week with activities like counting sheep or a treasure hunt to find the lost sheep hidden in our garden.

RBF have years of experience working with Church of England primary schools and so the experience your child would have of faith in our setting would be very similar to that of a Christian primary school. 


In addition, St. Peter's Preschool benefits hugely from its position as a partnership project with St. Peter in the Forest Church, so your children will take part in celebrations of key Christian festivals like Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Pentecost at the church and will meets visitors and volunteers from the church who might share stories at circle time, teach special songs, etc.

Each Monday morning our preschool join the church's toddler group 'Little Acorns' which families are welcome to join us for as this acts as the Preschool's weekly assembly.


Our ethos is firmly rooted in the desire to see your child discover and become the person they were designed to be. As such we aim to create a sense of community within our preschool where your child and your wider family feel supported and connected to a support network. We hope for each and every child that our setting would quickly feel like home with activities planned around their likes and characters whilst celebrating each of their unique qualities. We like to work closely with your family to focus on any areas of development that you would like to prioritise whether that be social skills ready for primary school or incorporating their home language into activities they do with us.


In our entire time operating as a charity we have never had a complaint from a parent/carer about a faith based element in our sessions and we are proud to have had families from every major world faith as well as atheists and humanists take part in our provisions through the years.


We actively encourage children from other faiths or those who hold no particular beliefs to share what is important to them with the rest of the group and would ask that if, for example, a family is about to celebrate a particular festival at home that they let our team know so we can talk to their child about it and encourage them to share it with the rest of the group.


If you would like to discuss this aspect of our preschool further, please contact     020 3086 8186     Telephones Staffed Monday-Friday 9:30-14:30 (School Term Time)

Red Balloon Foundation, Peterhouse, 122 Forest Rise, Walthamstow, London, E17 3PW, United Kingdom

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Registered Charity in England and Wales (1158982)

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